I Have Had Enough

I have had enough

Millie Gould


I have had enough –


enough of the looks

enough of the names

enough of the cruel games


enough of the smirks

enough of the smoke

enough of the hurtful jokes


enough of the jeers

enough of the dizziness

enough of finding fault in things

that really aren’t their business.


enough of the tears

enough poking in backs

enough of the slaps and the violent attacks


enough of feeling small

enough of holding me down

enough of being the clown


enough of endless misery

enough of being strong

enough of keeping a smile on my face –

a smile that doesn’t belong


enough of the screaming

enough of the fights

enough of the sleepless nights


enough of the thunder

enough of the rain

enough of the terrible pain


enough of trying, yet failing

enough staring down at my shoes

enough of pretending I’m winning

when I know I’m on course to lose

I have had enough



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