On Saturday 25 March 2023 we hosted our first in-person Young Writers’ Toolkit for those aged 14-24 in Birmingham at the Birmingham and Midland Institute.

The Toolkit showed a range of viable career options for those who love writing and hosted a variety of speakers and topics. The day began with a series of one-to-ones between individual young writers and Writing West Midlands staff. These sessions offered guidance on how to go from writing for fun, to writing and getting paid and also provided information on studying a Creative Writing course at University.

Our first session of the day was a conversation between former Birmingham Young Poet Laureate and writer Nyanda Foday and fiction writer Liam Brown on how to become a writer. Next, was an illuminating discussion between TV producer and scriptwriter David Chikwe and YouTuber and former book publicist Leena Normington on how to work as a writer. Our final session was an author interview with former Birmingham Poet Laureate, performer, and workshop leader Casey Bailey. In between these sessions were opportunities to ask the speakers questions and meet other young writers of a similar age.

The Toolkit was an essential day of information, networking and discussion for young writers who are looking to forge a career as a writer, want to go to University to study creative writing; or who simply wish to find more about how these different options might be possible. 

The Young Writers’ Toolkit 2023 was presented as part of Spark Young Writers, a project of Writing West Midlands in association with ALCS. Writing West Midlands is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.

The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) is a not-for-profit organisation started by writers for the benefit of all types of writers. Owned by its members, ALCS collects money due for secondary uses of writers’ work. It is designed to support authors and their creativity; ensure they receive fair payment and see their rights are respected. It promotes and teaches the principles of copyright and campaigns for a fair deal. It represents over 117,000 members, and since 1977 has paid over £600million to writers.


For more information visit acls.co.uk 

Get Writing

If you’d like to submit a piece of your writing for possible inclusion in the magazine, please see the Get Involved page to see more details. This magazine is published online three times a year: summer (June/July), winter (October-December) and spring (February-April) terms.

Our Spark Young Writers groups for September 2024-June 2025 are now available to book. 

Submissions for the 30th anniversary edition of the Spark Young Writer Magazine are now being accepted – our biggest edition yet! The deadline is 28th April 2025

The 2024 Spark Anthology The Worry Balloon is now available to buy. Full details can be found here.


Check out all our ideas for writing prompts at our Get Writing tab. 

A wide selection of images, videos and Funsheets for young writers to complete.