Welcome to Issue 15 of Spark Young Writers Magazine
Click here to read this issue. Published online in October 2018.
When I was asked to be guest editor for issue 15 of the Spark Young Writers magazine, I couldn’t believe my luck – and I was right to be pleased. It’s been a joy and a privilege to read the pieces submitted. Even the ones that weren’t selected this time are all worth working on, and I hope that their writers will do a bit of editing on them and try again.
One thing I’d like to note, though. If you look at recently-published books of poetry, you’ll see that very few poems start each line with a capital letter. Nowadays this way of writing poems looks rather old-fashioned, but most of the poetry submissions were written like this. Your poems would be easier on a modern reader’s eye if you used capitals only where you would in prose, i.e. at the beginning of a sentence. If you do this, you’ll probably need to pay more attention to the punctuation, though!
But many thanks to everyone who submitted pieces for this issue. It seems a shame to me that some of the best pieces of writing might be missed by new readers, so I’ve also included my pick of three particularly great pieces from the last year of Spark Young Writers’ Magazine.
Brenda Read-Brown – Spark Young Writers Magazine Editor
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To read Issue 16 of Spark Young Writers Magazine online, please click here. You can see a full list of contributors to the Magazine by heading to the Contributors page.