I Will Get Chosen

I Will Get Chosen
Emmie Eden

In between the endless rows of glasses in Elton John’s wardrobe there sat a particular pair bursting with excitement.

“Oooh, today’s the day, the day I’m going to go on stage,” the yellow-petalled diamond glasses squealed. They squished and squashed in the hustle and bustle in the few minutes as Elton John got ready for his big show later that night.

The glasses – which were called Albert – became more and more impatient. New thoughts crossed his mind like: “It’s me, I’m going to be chosen,” and “I’m going to be famous.”

But as Elton John walked past the wardrobe and to the stage, he didn’t pick Albert.

In fact, he didn’t pick any glasses at all. Worrying what was happening and why he hadn’t been chosen, Albert listened intently to the roar of the crowd.

Suddenly Elton John ran back with his arm outstretched and chose Albert.

“Yes!” screamed Albert as Elton John carefully placed the glasses on the rim of his nose and strolled over to the stage.
