A Soul-Sucking Adventure

A Soul-Sucking Adventure
Ealingee Rajeevan

You and me, were once great mates on a pirate ship,
Searching for treasure,
Solving uncovered mysteries
and crushing shipwrecks.

Till that one stormy, foggy day of tornados,
We were great mates on a pirate ship.

We sailed to many lands of myths and gold,
where treasure was poisonous,
or where treasure was completely fatal.
We were great mates on a pirate ship
Until that one stormy, foggy day of tornados,
came to our rich, worthy ship.

That one soul-sucking day came
Along the shore, the tornado came,
which travelled into the middle of the,
vibrating, stormy ocean.

Our ship cracked and shook aggressively,
as we looked down to see mountainous,
water spouts down below us.
We climbed,
and crawled down,
but even after all that effort,
we just got swooped into the massive water spout.
