Special Edition 2014

Welcome to Write On! Magazine – Special Edition 2014
Click here to read the issue. You can also read and download it on Issuu below. Published online in December 2014.

This special edition features writing from some of the young people who took part in our Write On! Young Writers’ Summer School in August 2014.

The exciting thing about writing is that you never know where you are going to end up. You make plans, of course. You imagine that you can predict or anticipate. But when the writing itself takes over, all your plans go out of the window.

This year’s Young Writers’ Summer School was a glorious experiment in not knowing where we were going. Of course, at the outset, when we gathered in  Writers’ Room at Warwick University — thirty writers, give or take a few — we had careful plans of what we were going to do over the next few days. But once we got up and running, we found ourselves overwhelmed by the miraculous outpouring of creative endeavour on the part of the participants of the Summer School. So we abandoned our plans and let things unfold according to their own strange logic. It was exhilarating. It was fascinating. And it was a little bit terrifying.

These were writers with quirky talents and quick wits, writers unafraid to play with words and ideas to create things both new and strange. It was an honour to work with them. And by the end of the week, I was overwhelmed by what is possible, if you put a bunch of talented young people together, give them pens and paper, make sure that they are well fed, and give them time and space to follow their own noses.

The poems, stories and snippets gathered here are just a sample of these writers’ work. Read them and remember their names. I very much suspect  you’ll not have heard the last of them. – Will Buckingham, Writer and Summer School Leader.


Write On! Magazine is a publication of Writing West Midlands. We support creative writers and creative writing across the region. More information can be found on our website: www.writingwestmidlands.org.

Editor: Joanne Penn

Copyright of all pieces featured in this magazine remains with the contributors.

Writing West Midlands – Company Registration Number: 6264124
We are a Charity – Registered Charity Number: 1147710



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If you’d like to submit a piece of your writing for possible inclusion in the magazine, please see the Get Involved page to see more details. This magazine is published online three times a year: summer (June/July), winter (October-December) and spring (February-April) terms.

Our Spark Young Writers groups for September 2024-June 2025 are now available to book. 

Submissions for the 30th anniversary edition of the Spark Young Writer Magazine are now being accepted – our biggest edition yet! The deadline is 28th April 2025

The 2024 Spark Anthology The Worry Balloon is now available to buy. Full details can be found here.


Check out all our ideas for writing prompts at our Get Writing tab. 

A wide selection of images, videos and Funsheets for young writers to complete.