Issue 3: April 2014

Issue 3 of Write On! Magazine is now available to read online by clicking here.

It was once beautiful.

When it could bathe her in liquid gold,

And the taste of salt could fill her mouth and scrub her skin clean.

Its cool caress enveloped her and dragged her in,

She did not complain.

She tried to talk,

But it silenced her with brackish kisses.

Effervescent on the surface of the water,

She floated amongst the waves, speechless, breathless,



Depths by Gaia Harper


This issue includes some returning young writers along with many new to the magazine. All the pieces are from young people aged 8 – 16 who live in the West Midlands, many of whom are part of Writing West Midlands’ Write On! Young Writers’ groups. We hope you enjoy reading this issue which features thirty-four pieces of writing from poetry to prose and short stories.

We are hoping to produce a printed version of the magazine in the future, but to do this we need your support! To find out about supporting Writing West Midlands, please click here.
