The Best Detective
Kobie Yan Yu Yip
There has been a new detective in Stationery Town, and she is the best detective in the universe, Detective Meow! She lives in this town at number 123 Meow Road. She solves every question that cannot be solved by others, at first, people do not believe in her but by solving some of their problems they started believing her!
On a beautiful, peaceful morning, there was a loud ringing sound all around their office, Cat-Cat shout to Detective Meow to wake up so Detective Meow rapidly got dressed and yelled ‘I am ready!’ Then they ran to the customer’s house and start writing down notes in her notebook about what happened.
Apparently, the customer, Mr. Ice Cream has lost a tub of sweet, smooth ice cream from his ice cream truck! They both promised to Mr. Ice cream that they will find the tub of ice cream back!
They went through different tough challenges like the mysterious cave, the massive zone of danger, river hazard and mount wild, they need to climb the mount wild and get across river hazard and through the mysterious cave to the massive zone of danger with the most dangerous, wild animals you could ever imagine, like tigers, lions, sharks, hazardous snakes but most importantly, without the cage! You could never know what the animals will do to you, but you just make sure they have eaten their lunch!
After a humongous number of adventures, they finally found Mr. Ice Cream’s precious ice cream made with Mr. Ice Cream’s secret extra special delicious and tasty ice cream recipe ! (I can show you the recipe for sure, but do not tell Mr. Ice Cream!)
After a day of amazing and fun adventures, Detective Meow and Cat-Cat both got extremely tired. When they got back into their office, they immediately lay down on their soft, comfortable big bed.