Summer Nights
Lucy Donaghey
Sneaking out of the locked house door,
Running faster than I’ve ever run before,
Until I reached the golden sand,
Sprinting towards the water hand in hand,
Fireflies gleam in the crisp warm air,
Whilst the smell of smoke lingers everywhere,
Don’t think, be free,
See the waves crash? look out to sea,
Just summer nights,
No city lights,
Moon beams,
And hearts gleam,
Singing songs by the campfire,
Pretending we’re a choir,
With Midnight kisses,
And Shooting star wishes,
Dancing and laughing with flowers in our hair,
Nothing to worry about, we have not a care,
As nights get longer,
Relationships get stronger,
Hairs get lighter,
Whilst skin is getting brighter,
Summers finally here,
So live life without a fear.