Cruel Fate


Cruel Fate
Clodagh Delahunty-Forrest

Othello I care for, Othello I love

A black army general as sweet as dove,

We got married in secret no one knew

Who could have foretold the betrayal and horrors that would ensue?


As a token of his love he gave to me

The fairest handkerchief you will ever see,

It made my heart jump with glee

Forever in my possession it will be.


A handkerchief so pure and white

Who would have thought the jealousy it would ignite,

Elegantly embroidered with strawberries so fine

That was handed down through my Othello’s blood line.


My precious gift that I keep close to my heart

Gives me comfort when we are apart,

To my token I tell all my woes

To it my secrets I disclose.


My gift is lost to my horror and surprise

To my love I have had to tell lies,

Never have I seen such anger and rage

As fierce as a lion trapped in a cage.


A cowardly plot filled with jealously and spite

To kill our love he had no right,

Iago’s plans were dangerous and full of hate

Only he could know our fate.


My untruths were only to protect

Until my gift I can detect,

Could I have been really careless?

My heartache is endless.


I am awoken from my sleep

By Othello with a kiss that will make me weep,

My gift I see is in his hands

My death I can see are in his plans.


I beg for my life

As his loving wife,

His fury is too great

For me to save my fate.


A pillow is his weapons of choice

You can no longer hear my voice,

As my last breath is taken

I will no longer awaken.



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