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Goodbye (Rewritten)

Amelia McCarthy


We said goodbye
But that sounds so final
See you soon
See that’s better.

I will see you soon.
A day, a week, maybe two
We will be reunited,
You will never be far away.

You reside in my heart
You will be there forever.
I haven’t known you long
But our friendship is unbreakable.

It has been a month
A whole month
And we haven’t talked
Never separate though.

Now I hug you tight
I’m never letting you go.
Goodbye hurts so much,
The silence, even more.

I remember goodbye
I never thought you’d go –
Tears still flow
But now of
Happiness, joy

I told them you would come
I said you would be back
I knew you would
I missed you

I loved you
(I still love you)



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