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Reference for Writers

Reference request - lead or assistant writer
You have been asked to provide a reference for someone who is interested in being a lead writer (paid role) or an assistant writer (volunteer role). They will be asked to turn up on 10 pre-arranged dates to run or help run a creative writing workshop for children aged between 7 and 18 years old. They will be asked to support the young people with their writing, and join in with some fun writing games and activities. Without the support of the lead and assistant writers, it is impossible for these sessions to run.
In case we need to contact you for further clarification.
e.g. colleague, friend,
Please tell us here if you have concerns about them working with children, but also comment on their reliability, energy and enthusiasm.

Get Writing

If you’d like to submit a piece of your writing for possible inclusion in the magazine, please see the Get Involved page to see more details. This magazine is published online three times a year: summer (June/July), winter (October-December) and spring (February-April) terms.

Our Spark Young Writers groups for September 2024-June 2025 are now available to book. 

Submissions for the 29th edition of the Spark Young Writer Magazine are also being accepted. The deadline is 29th November 2024

The 2024 Spark Anthology The Worry Balloon is now available to buy. Full details can be found here.



Check out all our ideas for writing prompts at our Get Writing tab. 

A wide selection of images, videos and Funsheets for young writers to complete.