With our sessions now taking place on Zoom, we have drawn up a code of conduct for our online activities.
In order to make sure that your child stays safe online, we ask that you do the following:
- Access to Zoom is made through the parent/carer’s account or through no account at all – just via the link sent by Writing West Midlands. You will be prompted to download some free software the first time you use a device.
- Do not share the Zoom link details with anyone except as a means of enabling your young writer to log in. If you have friends who would enjoy the sessions, please get them to book for a taster session and we will send them a link direct.
- An appropriate adult such as a parent or carer remains nearby so the child can ask for help if necessary.
- Your child must be appropriately dressed to take part in a video call (i.e. not in nightwear).
- Set up an intentional space for the session to take place in (well-lit and quiet).
- Avoid talking while others are talking.
- If possible, ensure the display name matches the name of the child. If not possible, your child will be brought into the session first to ensure they are the right person. The display name will then be amended by the writers, if your young person is unable to change it.
- Respect all other participants on the call by only using appropriate language and gestures.
- Use a camera during the session. If for some reason using a camera is not possible, you can dial in using the phone number provided or contact the office (in advance, if possible) to discuss alternatives.
In order to protect your child, we will:
- Have a minimum of two adults who will be present throughout the video call, and will remain until all children have left the call
- Treat everyone on the call with respect and dignity
- Be mindful of what is going on in the background of our shot
- Allow only invited participants to join the session
- Turn off screen sharing for participants
- Disable private chat
By allowing your child to join a meeting, you are acknowledging these terms and giving consent for your child to be part of these virtual meetings.