I am a young writer but don’t live in the West Midlands, can I still submit my writing?
Anyone is of course welcome to read Write On! Magazine but only those aged 8 – 16 and living or going to school in the West Midlands can submit their writing to be included in the magazine. However, there may be other opportunities similar to this in your area or nationwide. The Cuckoo Quarterly, for example is also an online magazine featuring work by young writers. This is produced by New Writing North who are similar to Writing West Midlands (a literature development organisation) but they are based in and work with those in the north east of England. Push, is an online magazine produced by members of The Writing Squad who are based in the North of the UK.
The other literature development agencies that work with young people are: New Writing South, Literature Wales, Cyprus Well (South West) and Writing East Midlands.
The Young Poets’ Network and Stories from the Web both have some excellent resources for young writers and you can also submit your writing to be included on the website.
It might be worth having a search on the internet for other online magazines for children and young people, there are also plenty of competitions which accept writing from children and young people.
Who is running this magazine?
This magazine is a project of Writing West Midlands, the region’s literature development agency. It is part of our Spark programme for children and young people aged 8 – 20 and the first issue was published online in June 2013. For more information about us or to contact us, please visit our main website: www.writingwestmidlands.org.
Will this magazine ever be available in printed version?
At the moment we don’t have any plans to print the magazine but we may do in the future if there is a demand for the printed version.
I have my writing in the magazine, can I use the piece on other website or enter it into a competition?
Yes, any piece that is yours and is featured in the magazine belongs to you. You can use your writing on any other website or enter it into a competition.
What other opportunities are there for children and young people in the West Midlands?
Writing West Midlands runs creative writing groups called Spark Young Writers’ Groups which meet throughout the region one Saturday a month. We also work with professional writers in schools and community settings. To find out about other opportunities, please join our mailing list and make sure you tick the Young Writers box.
I like one of the pieces in the magazine, can I contact the author to see if I can use it elsewhere?
If you would like to use any of the pieces in the magazine and you aren’t the author, please email emma[at]writingwestmidlands.org.
How do I submit my writing to the magazine?
For more information about how to submit and to see the next submission deadline, please visit the Get Involved page.
If you have any other questions about Write On! Magazine, please email emma[at]writingwestmidlands.org.