When a Man Comes to Power

When a Man Comes to Power…
Aarav Desai

As many people’s hope is entrusted,
On a singular priceless being,
A transfer of good occurs,
With caution imminent,
For all know what happens,
When a man comes to power.

You see privileges,
Which are dearly given,
Spark gruesome greed,
To a once-helping soul,
At times it seems unexpected what happens,
When a man comes to power.

The sway to evil haunts,
Only as greed asks for more,
And with power you will get more,
This is when the once saviour,
Will perform a show on what happens,
When a man comes to power.

Yes – he will cling,
To what he calls his throne,
What he once called a mere chair,
Has now turned all grand,
For this transformation only happens,
When man comes to power.

The heroic leader he was meant to be,
Is lost in the mist of betrayal,
And what is found is a monster,
Covered in a cape of callous change,
That type of change only happens,
When a man comes to power.

The plague of false trust creeps out of spotlight,
And arrives in the painful spotlight,
Which shines through the closed-secretive doors,
The mutated sly creature is wrestled down,
As the people united – in despair – see what happens,
When a man comes to power.






