Poems for Grace and Abigail

Poems for Grace and Abigail

Clodagh Delahunty-Forrest


Poem for Grace

Hello my name is Grace I come from Ghana,

I live with my four children life for us is quite a drama.

We live in a mud hut with only a few possessions to our name, life here is a dangerous game.

My husband’s gone off to find work, two months have passed, there has been no word how long will this last.

I had six children now only four remain; they are buried in the garden because we did not have enough grain.

An hour’s walk to the river, dirty water is all I can deliver.

Whilst I am away, my eldest daughter pounds the millet for porridge our only meal for that day.

My eldest son’s job is to collect the firewood, that’s placed on our floor made of mud.

It gets dark at six when we lie down to sleep, but hunger in our tummy’s creep.

Our bed is a straw mat placed on the floor, where we stay until sunlight is once more.

Goodbye Abigail. I liked our conversation, but before it is too late speak to your mother without hesitation.


Poem for Abigail


Hi my name is Abigail I come from the USA,

I live with my mom in Beverly Hills it is a great place to stay.

I live in a big posh house with a wardrobe full of designer cloths and gifts, to see my friends I have to rely on lots of lifts.

My parents sadly got divorced; this completely changed my life of course.

I am an only child and get ever so lonely with just my ps3, as my mom has to go to work I have to make my own tea.

To get my fresh food and drink, I have a short walk to the fridge and the sink; it is all so easy I don’t even have to think.

The one thing that I hunger for, is to have my family back together once more.

My life is easy as I have no chores; my only worry is that my soccer team outscores.

To see my mom I have to stay up late, because being alone is what I hate.

My room is so big, I have a soft bed in which I sleep, I know I am lucky and have no reason to weep.

Bye Grace it was nice to meet, your life is so hard but don’t let it become a defeat I hope things become better next time we greet.

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