Destiny of Nature

Destiny of Nature

Erica Bassford


Now upon us is the time,

Time for Autumn to appear,

Time for leaves to fall to the ground,

Time for the dark months is now here.


Now upon us is the time,

Time for crimsons and ambers to appear,

Time for leaves to create a carpet on the floor,

Time for conkers to materialize is here.


Now upon us is the time,

Time for nights to grow longer,

Time for days to get shorter,

Time for the dark spirits in this world to grow stronger.


Now upon us is the time,

Time for fingers to freeze,

Time for the atmosphere to get colder,

Time for everything to cool down, including the breeze.


Now upon us is the time,

Time for conkers to bonk us on the heads,

Time to celebrate family birthdays,

Time to snuggle in a fluffy blanket on the sofa with our teds.


Now upon us is the time,

Time for the wind to blind you, when your hair blows across your face,

Time for the trees to become empty of leaves,

Time for frost to settle among the branches like spider lace,


Now upon us is the time,

Time for winter plants to grow,

Time to spread colour across the country,

Time for flowers to be replaced with snow.



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